Pitt Meadows Parks, Recreation & Culture Summer Guide

PROGRAM IDEAS? The Pitt Meadows Parks, Recreation and Culture Department is excited to be delivering regular programming to our community. Tell us: > What program(s) would you like to see? > What day and time would be best? Tell us more, we would love to hear from you.

> How much would you be willing to pay? > Any other comments or program ideas?

Tell us more about your program idea. Email us at parksandrec@pittmeadows.ca or scan the QR code.

CALL FOR INSTRUCTORS The Pitt Meadows Parks, Recreation and Culture Department is always looking for new programming and class opportunities to offer to our community.

Do you have a valuable skill, certifications or experience that would make a great program? Do you have relevant teaching/volunteering experience?

Tell us more about your program proposal, experience and skills. Email us at parksandrec@pittmeadows.ca or scan the QR code.


Summer 2023 | pittmeadows.ca/parksandrec | 604.465.2470

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