Spring 2025 Pitt Meadows Guide
Choose to Move - Information Session 55Y+ Join us for an information session to learn more about the Choose to Move Program. This is a free and flexible program that provides participants with the motivation and support to become more active. Instructor: BCRPA Location: Pitt Meadows Seniors Activity Centre Sessions: 1 Fee: FREE Tu 11:00am-12:00pm #13920 Apr 15 Choose to Move! 55Y+ Are you an individual looking for motivation and support to get physically active? Choose to Move program (funded through BCRPA) can help participants integrate activity into daily routine, meet new friends, and make a positive change. Participants receive both individual and group support to develop and stick to a personal activity plan that includes activities they enjoy and can do. To join this free program, please pre-register and attend the information session. For more information, visit www.choosetomove.ca. Instructor: BCRPA Location: Pitt Meadows Seniors Activity Centre Sessions: 9 Fee: FREE Tu 11:00am-12:00pm #13921 Apr 29-Jun 24
ActivAge 55Y+
The ActivAge™ Program focuses on improving activities of daily living and strengthening muscles used day-to-day. The sessions include discussions and handouts to help you improve your overall health and physical well-being. This is a free program funded through BCRPA. Instructor: BCRPA Location: Multipurpose Room - PMFRC Sessions: 9 Fee: FREE F 1:30pm-2:30pm #13922 May 2-Jun 27 For information on these FREE 55Y+ Choose to Move Programs, call Jackie at the Pitt Meadows Family Recreation Centre at 604.465.2473 or email jdidrikson@pittmeadows.ca
“ Connecting adults 55+ with a happy, healthy life ”
Spring 2025 | pittmeadows.ca/parksandrec | 604.465.2470
Pitt Meadows Seniors Activity Centre 19065 119B Avenue, Pitt Meadows BC V3Y 0E6
Call 604 - 477 - 0425 for questions about Fitness Programs or other activities. www.rmssseniors.org Connect with us on Facebook
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